Bulletin 5

Less than 10 months to performance date in Adelaide!!
Your recently elected or re-elected MCAA Committee has met via Zoom to consider and oversee the exceptional efforts of the Adelaide Organising Committee for our massed male choirs’ triennial festival on Sunday, 25th May 2025 in the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
1. Unfortunately, the proposed accommodation deals through Tee Lee Travel in Adelaide did not come to fruition. Quotes were deemed unattractively high. Therefore, member choirs and individual choristers will need to make their own research and bookings for travel and accommodation for the weekend 24-25th May 2025 in Adelaide. Of course, you may still wish to deal through Tee Lee Travel. The AEC location is 96 Port Road, Hindmarsh. SA. 5007. The free tram service that goes by the AEC should be investigated. Colleagues in Adelaide point out that it would be wise to make bookings asap. The AFL draw for 2025 does not come out until September/October but it could well happen that Adelaide, with two AFL teams, could have a game in Adelaide that weekend which always sees accommodation at a premium
2. Festival Musical Director, Evan Patton, is keen to get latest expected attendance figures by parts. He and the Organising Committee have the unenviable job of herding and corralling 350+ of us into appropriate seating on stage. Thank you to those choirs who have responded recently to this request. Other choirs should send their expected parts numbers to Neil Forrest in Adelaide at woodgee@internode.on.net
3. The MCAA is now fully committed to the festival in Adelaide. The (not inconsiderable!) non-refundable deposit has now been paid so we must all focus on attracting and encouraging all contacts in Adelaide and environs to buy tickets to the concert as well as learning the 16 songs.
4. The Organising Committee has garnered several sponsorship deals that have obviously alleviated financial pressures of staging the event. Further advertising revenue and other sponsorships are expected. The leadership and drive of Metropolitan Male Choir of SA President and Organising Committee member, Lynton Nicholas in this regard cannot be emphasized and recognised enough!
5. Ticket sales: precise details will be published soon once negotiations and procedures have been finalized with Ticketek and the AEC. The Organising Committee expects ticket prices to be $55 for A Reserve seating (the more forward & desirable seating) and $45 for B Reserve seating (in the rear third of the venue). Patrons under 16 will be free. However, a schedule will be sent to all member choirs offering special attention to partners and friends of choristers whereby seats will be reserved in the A Reserve section at the $45 price. A date will be set by which seats in this category must be booked and paid for. Each choir wishing to take advantage of this deal must nominate a person to receive and name all interested parties and receive payment. By the due date, that person will then forward one transaction of funds to the MCAA Treasurer for the requested number of seats together with the list of names. So, watch this space.
6. The Organising Committee continues to work with Tee Lee Travel to develop plans for the Festival Dinner to be held following the concert on Sunday evening, 25th May 2025. Full details of venue and costs will be forthcoming when concluded.
Bulletins will come more regularly as we approach performance date. Things look highly promising so continue to practice the repertoire, promote the concert and get your travel and accommodation booked.
Kind regards,
Neil Fleming
24th February 2024
