The Meeting commenced at 1.00 p.m. with Neil Fleming in the Chair


Australian Rugby Choir; Neil Fleming, Scott Sneddon, Albert Orszocsky
Australian Welsh Male Choir: Lew Wilson
Cantorian Sydney: Sid Ford
Con Men: Brian Waters
Ku-ring-gai MVC: Paul Whiting, Ken Wade, Bruce Sharpham
Metropolitan Male Choir of South Australia: Stephen Coombe, Evan Patton
Orange Male Voice Choir: David Kennedy
Sydney Male Voice Choir: Tom Coghlan, Peter O’Driscoll
Wagga City Rugby Choir: Judy Ferguson, Dave Mundy, Brian Buckley

Apologies: Frank Bergeson (ARC); Neil Kinsey (AWMC), Richard Lamont (Canberra Mens), Neil Forrest (MMCSA), Ron Brown (SMC).

Minutes of the 2022 AGM held via Zoom on 26th March 2022 had previously been distributed to member choirs. They were moved by Brian Buckley and seconded by David Kennedy. Carried.

President Report: Neil Fleming spoke to his President Report for 2022 and moved the report to be accepted. Seconded by Brian Buckley Carried.

Treasurer Report: The Financial Papers for the year 2022 had been distributed to member Choirs prior to the meeting. The Treasurer, Sid Ford, moved his report be accepted. This was seconded by Tom Coghlan and carried.

Election of Office Bearers:

President: Neil Fleming unopposed)
Vice President: Peter O’Driscoll (unopposed)
Brian Buckley (unopposed)
Treasurer : Sid Ford (unopposed)

Committee: The Committee from 2022 was returned with the addition of Ron Brown (Sydney Male Choir) and Stephen Barry (Australian Rugby Choir)
Public Officer: Ron Brown (SMC)
Web Manager: Peter O’Driscoll (SMC)

Ken Wade pointed out to the meeting the need for the MCAA o have an ARBN which could be obtained from the ASIC website. This was a requirement for organisations who operated across states which would be the case with the 2025 concert.

The AGM closed at 1.30 p.m.
